[NOTE: So, apparently, we missed updating the website last year, so this is done a bit in arears. Meh –mac.]

Another DEF CON is in the books.

Overall, we saw more usage than any previous year:

  • 15% more interwebz bits
  • 30% more registered users on wifi
  • 25% more concurrent users on wifi

And we saw the usual amount of issues. Nothing new there.

For full information, see the slides.

Thanks to the entire NOC crew: miked, c7five, booger, deadication, dp1i, crv, jon2, wish, strange, musa, toph, commiebstrd, and johntitor.

Thanks to DT and the DEF CON staff, all of the other goons, the inhumans, and to all of you. You’re why we do this, and we’re happy to make this happen.

And especially thanks to our hosting partners: Phil, Harry, Mable, and the whole Cesars IT and Encore crews for going above and beyond to help us make this happen.

As a last note, we have to announce a change in leadership. effffn is trying to get some of his life back, and so is stepping back. #sparky, who’s been with the NOC the longest, is stepping up and stepping in.

I welcome our new Canadian overlord!

Thanks for all the lulz, and see ya next year,

efffn and mac
