


30 years of DEF CON! It was great times.
From a NOC perspective it was a good year. Mostly thanks to Mac, who made a few trips
pre-con to Vegas to have some equipment staged.

Overall everything worked. Wi-Fi coverage at the Caesar Forum was pretty awesome.
The only minor annoyance was that certain flavors of Android did not like the certificate
format we had initially posted on wifireg. Eventually folks figured out how to convert it
using openssl and make it work.

And, not the least:
effffn, mac and DEF CON would like to thank the indefatigable NOC team for their hard work.
Sparky, booger, CRV, c0mmiebstrd, Dp1i, c7five, Jon2, deadication, musa,
wish, johntitor, MikeD, Toph and strange do a great job and work long hours so you can internetz.
Lastly, a huge thank you to Phil, Kevin, Mable and the whole Caesars IT and Encore staff for going
above and beyond to make our lives easier.
(and yes, that was a copy and paste from the DC 30 program)

The slides with the statistics from the closing ceremonies can be downloaded
from here... Enjoy!
(and yes, the mentions of the Forum Shops instead of Ceasar Forum are intentional)

effffn, mac and DEF CON would like to thank the hard-working NOC Goons for
making the on-site conference network, well, work.

#sparky, booger, CRV, c0mmiebstrd, Dp1i, c7five, Jon2, deadication, musa, wish,
johntitor, MikeD and Toph put in long hours (some on-site and some remotely) in
making sure everything worked at least at one point in time. And then got them
fixed when you (or quite possibly we) broke something.

As usual, also a huge thank you to Caesars IT and Encore for making our lives a
bit easier.

The slides with the statistics from the closing ceremonies can be downloaded
from here... Enjoy!