


Another DEF CON is in the books.

Overall, it was a bit of a dip. I think the change of things lead to a lot of unknowns, and it shows in the stats:

  • 25% less interwebz bits
  • 15% less registered users on wifi
  • 10% less concurrent users on wifi

For full information, see the slides.

A couple of incidents to follow up on, but probably the most impactful is to the core. Our firewall is giving up the ghost. We bought this one back in 2014, so 10 years seems to be a more than reasonable time of service. We will be sure to give it a proper Viking funeral and send it across the Rainbow Bridge.

(Planned) New gear this year:

  • core switch
  • dozen more edge switches
  • oh, and the whole freakin’ facility
    • including 650 Access Points

For a new space, everything went exceptionally well. The DEF CON NOC team completed the their work…not only did they complete it…they did it faster, and more efficiently than we have ever. These people are simply the best of the best. The team work, the helping hands, the consistent team spirit in the face of staggering pressure and odds has been out standing.

Thanks to the entire NOC crew: miked, c7five, booger, deadication, dp1i, crv, jon2, wish, strange, k4tn155, toph, commiebstrd, duffguy, tater, meibo, and johntitor. And a special thanks to NOC lead emeritus and still active NOC goon, effffn!

The operations group at DC should also be commended for putting on what could be arguably the best DefCon ever! Thanks to DT, Janet, Nikita, Mo and GAG LAB Department Leads, QM, every other goon, and to all of you.

To Cox, thank you guys for being there. Your dedication to getting it done is not only critical to our success, but building new relationships with ground crews is hard and your guys were always rad!

Thanks to the LVCVA for hosting and working with us. We love the site and look forward to many DEF CONs to come.

Thanks for all the lulz, and see ya next year,

sparky and mac

[NOTE: So, apparently, we missed updating the website last year, so this is done a bit in arears. Meh –mac.]

Another DEF CON is in the books.

Overall, we saw more usage than any previous year:

  • 15% more interwebz bits
  • 30% more registered users on wifi
  • 25% more concurrent users on wifi

And we saw the usual amount of issues. Nothing new there.

For full information, see the slides.

Thanks to the entire NOC crew: miked, c7five, booger, deadication, dp1i, crv, jon2, wish, strange, musa, toph, commiebstrd, and johntitor.

Thanks to DT and the DEF CON staff, all of the other goons, the inhumans, and to all of you. You’re why we do this, and we’re happy to make this happen.

And especially thanks to our hosting partners: Phil, Harry, Mable, and the whole Cesars IT and Encore crews for going above and beyond to help us make this happen.

As a last note, we have to announce a change in leadership. effffn is trying to get some of his life back, and so is stepping back. #sparky, who’s been with the NOC the longest, is stepping up and stepping in.

I welcome our new Canadian overlord!

Thanks for all the lulz, and see ya next year,

efffn and mac

30 years of DEF CON! It was great times.

From a NOC perspective it was a good year. Mostly thanks to Mac, who made a few trips pre-con to Vegas to have some equipment staged.

Overall everything worked. Wi-Fi coverage at the Caesar Forum was pretty awesome. The only minor annoyance was that certain flavors of Android did not like the certificate format we had initially posted on wifireg. Eventually folks figured out how to convert it using openssl and make it work.

And, not the least: effffn, mac and DEF CON would like to thank the indefatigable NOC team for their hard work. Sparky, booger, CRV, c0mmiebstrd, Dp1i, c7five, Jon2, deadication, musa, wish, johntitor, MikeD, Toph and strange do a great job and work long hours so you can internetz. Lastly, a huge thank you to Phil, Kevin, Mable and the whole Caesars IT and Encore staff for going above and beyond to make our lives easier. (and yes, that was a copy and paste from the DC 30 program)

The slides with the statistics from the closing ceremonies can be downloaded from here … Enjoy! (and yes, the mentions of the Forum Shops instead of Ceasar Forum are intentional)