effffn and DEF CON once again would like to thank our hard-working NOC team for making the conference network, well, work across all the hotels hosting the conference.

Lots of planning, countless emails and a few phone calls precede the crazy-busy week in Vegas.

While many get to enjoy hacker-summer-camp in style, mac, #sparky, booger, CRV, c0mmiebstrd, Dp1i, c7five, Jon2, deadication, k4tn155, wish, johntitor, MikeD and Toph put in long hours in making sure everything worked at least at one point in time and then got them fixed when something (or you) broke it.

If you happen to see one of these folks around, usually at bar that is closest to the NOC, take a minute to thank them and possibly buy them a round of orange whipps. Actually, if you run into any of them throughout the year, see if they would like you to buy them one of their drinks of their choice.

Also, a huge thank you to the nice folks from Caesars IT and Encore for making our lives a bit easier.

The slides from the closing ceremonies can be downloaded from here … Enjoy!
