Just kidding, DEF CON is cancelled.

We are working hard to make sure everything is ready for the conference when it starts.

A bunch of things are ready though. For example, you can sign-up for the 802.1x/WPA2 WiFi at https://wifireg.defcon.org before you head to Caesars.

Detailed instructions are provided there, but the short is: create your credentials (don’t use the same as in important stuff!); download and install the digital certificate (or configuration profile for Apple devices).

Setup your device to REQUIRE server validation and don’t accept ANY certificates provided when you connect. Don’t make security insecure.

DCTV this year is available at the con-hotel with 5 channels being broadcasted, and 4 channels being broadcasted to Paris and Ballys.

That is it for now, updates will be provided here and also on Twitter @DEFCON_NOC.

Have a great DEF CON 25, and don’t forget to shower.
