effffn and DEF CON would like to thank the hard work of the NOC team, not only for the long demanding week in hot Las Vegas but also the months of planning prior to the con.

There is quite a bit of preparation in every single aspect you can imagine on how to get all the network and internet requests to all of the vendors, speakers, press, contests, attendees and also those convenient DC TV channels for that late morning hangover cure in the convenience of your hotel room.

It has been said before, and we will say it again: mac, videoman, #sparky, booger, naifx, arh@wk, nocit, CRV, c0mmiebstrd, serif and c7five dedicated a great portion of their DEF CON experience to making sure everything breaks (and if it does, to fix it). So, yeah If you run into any of them, please make sure you buy them a beverage, that would be great, mmmk.

AND, the NOC team would like to thank the Caesar’s IT and Encore for the tireless support in making it all happen.
