While the other DEF CON 20 teams, speakers, contests, etc all gear up to make this year a massive blow-out year - we’re actually trying to keep it simple. That’s our “secret” to making the network happen. Don’t over complicate things. So as much as possible, this year’s network will look like last year, with tweaks & improvement here & there. We’re probably going to upgrade/swap out some switches, but largely only because some newer stuff is available to us this year - and we’ll (almost never) turn down free upgrades :)

We’re finalizing WiFi AP placement now (should have that done this week). We’re talking about how much bandwidth we can get from the Rio this year. (How much is “too much”? :).

The DC20 network will still support IPv6. We’ll be curious if it gets more use this year over last year.

You know how there’s a DefCon File server on the network for you to upload/download files from? In honoring our past, we’re talking about setting up a “Retro LAN table” - remember the days before there was WiFi and we all came to DEF CON and plugged into a wall jack, setup a switch, and let the people around us share that switch (or hub!)? We may setup something where you can plug in, trade filez with the file server, etc. Don’t camp, though, share the space please.

We have new folks helping with DCTV’; they’ve been working hard to improve signal quality so we can get the best possible signal up to the Rio CATV system for hand-off (even though most of the hotel rooms are still equipped with SD CRT’s).

If you’re talking at DEF CON 20, throwing a contest, a party, something that requires a network connection or special request, don’t forget to let your specified Goon point-of-contact know. If you’re not sure, you can always email me (noc -at- defconnetworking dot org) and I’ll help you out.
