Thank you EVERYONE who made Def Con 18 so successful - which is every one of you! Speakers, staff, press, contest & event organizers, and just as importantly the attendees! This was the best con I’ve personally had in years!

I’m still unpacking a little, but wanted to get the NOC Team’s closing slides up (I added a few more stats that effffn had sent over to me) so you now have the complete set. They are posted here [PDF, 3MB].

We’d be VERY interested in any feedback you have on the DefCon Mobile Edition web-app we wrote this year. Compliments or complaints– please, let us know if it was even worth doing, what we could do better, etc. We want to wrangle together app writers (inside & outside of staff) so we can make all the DefCon apps better for you. So give us your feedback! (noc -at- defconnetworking d0t org)

We’ve already started planning discussions for the DC19 Network at the Rio! See you all there!
